2013 Membership Information

We have a new membership form for MTBA for 2013. You can download it from here or you can renew online here.

Unfortunately the MTBA fees have increased for some memberships in 2013. An Senior Membership has increased by $10, a Junior Membership has increased by $5 and a Value Add Membership has increased by $5. All other membership types remain at the same cost.

We have kept the increased to a minimum with the club getting the same or less fees as it always had from memberships – this is an increase in the MTBA fees. However, these increases do offer better membership benefits, including:

  • 100% cover now 24/7: The applicable schedule of benefits are now at 100% claimable level, 24/7 whenever a member is riding their bike.  This obviously provides a greater sense of comfort and security for members as well as eliminating the need to delineate between claims made in or out of sanctioned events.
  • Non-medicare increased: The claimable limit for non-Medicare medical expenses has increased by 67% from $3,000 to a $5,000 maximum.  This is a significant increase in member value for claims where expenses such as dental are involved.
  • Loss of income increased: The maximum reimbursement for loss of income claims – for time off work with injury – has increased by 17% from $500 per week to $600 per week, for up to 52 weeks.

If you have any questions about our membership then just send us an email to membership@gippslandmtb.com.au