Blores Hill 4 Hour Enduro – 23-Nov-2008

We have had a few 3 Hour Enduro’s that have been sucessfully run and won over the past few months, so it is now to time to step it up with the first 4 Hour Enduro! This is a 33.3333% increase in ride time at no extra cost for entry, where else can you find value like this. But wait, there’s more… Because of the increase in duration, we are now actively encouraging the entry of teams. If riding for 4 Hours makes you cringe then find a mate, or if you have no mates then come along and we can pair you up with another social challenged person, and we’ll let you compete together.

After the positive feedback from the last race, we have designed a new course with about 2 km the same just to show more of what Blores has to offer. So we will be based near the Lake Glenmaggie Weir Wall rather than at the usual Sandy Point area. The course should be about 7km of singletrack with a few sections to keep people on their toes, but nothing too daunting for novices who are just coming to see what this MTB race thing is all about.

What: Blores Hill 4 Hour Enduro.

When: Sunday, 23 November 2008. Registration opens at 9:30 with the race starting at 10:00 until 14:00.

Where: Blores Hill, near Lake Glennmaggie Weir Wall. Follow winery signs on right of Weir Road. Click here for map.

Cost: $5 entry fee per person, $15 MTBA Day License if don’t have MTBA Competition License.

Prizes: Yes! Outright places, Teams Places and spot prizes will be awarded on the day.