2011 MTBA Fee Increase

Unfortunately this new year brings new fees from MTBA for some membership types. This is an MTBA increase to cover their increased insurance costs. Gippsland MTB is still collecting the same fees from its members for club membership as it always has.

MTBA LogoThe new membership fees are as follows:

  • Senior Membership has increased by $10 to $120
  • Junior Membership has increased by $5 to $80
  • CA Value Add Membership has increased by $5 to $70
  • Day Licenses have increased by $5 to $20
    • Only required by MTBA Social Members and Non-MTBA Members
  • All other membership fees remain the same

As an added incentive to join MTBA, MTBA is offering a Permit Rebate Scheme. The scheme gives a $30 rebate to any non-member who applies for membership and who has participated in a MTBA sanctioned event three times in the last 12 months from the date of membership application.