Club Ay-Up Loan Lights

Have you ever thought about trying night riding? Have you thought about buying a set of Ay-Up lights? If you answered yes to either of these questions then have we got a deal, or even deals for you! Ay-Up has provided the club with a loan set of V4 Adventure lights for two months for us to loan around our members for a real world trial of their product. At the end of this trial period the club will purchase these lights as the prize for a yet to be determined event (stay tuned for that one).

If you wish to register to borrow these lights to simply send a stamped, self addressed email to and we’ll add your name to the list. The idea is that these lights will be at every Mid-Week Social Ride (every Wednesday in January and February) and will be passed onto the next person there.

We also have the opportunity to purchase new lights at a reduced rate if we can get orders of 10 or more. If you would like to nominate to participate in a bulk order then send an email to and we’ll notify you if we have the numbers to do a bulk order by the end of February.

If you wish to view more details on the Ay-Up products, then simply visit their website